Where is champion of anguish

Keep away from his spin, spread out your healing CDs for separate healing bursts when you get low, and bring him down. On this fight, the other 76 DK died twice, first time mainly from his spin, second time I guess was from spin too. I don't think I would have had a problem soloing him. Blood spec questionable as a DK tanking spec? Comment by Kaynos Well we did this today, after spamming all over Zul for 30 minutes for a healer We even kill the last boss twice cause the mage died just before.

I guess with a healer this quest is piece of cake. The only time I almost died was near the end of Korrak as he starts dealing massive damage, so you may want to save your CDs for this fight. Comment by Be warned. Even if you complete this quest, if you release spirit for whatever reason, it will tag it failed.

I have it as complete. The title of the quest has failed in it. It cannot be turned in. Now I do it again. Comment by i have a question This was definately the hardest of the fights and I almost died twice after getting charged. When he dismounts and Enormos becomes rideable Cadaceus jumped on and used Enormos to keep agro while letting Vladof kill Enormos.

Item Comparison of these 2 options versus the Staff of the Purposeful Mendicant that I had equipped throughout the quest. This quest was actually one of the easier ones, since it was just a tank and spank most of the times.

Just cleansed the debuff right away and moved off when he started spinning, perfect time to reorganize things, such as if you've been kicked too far apart by the charges etc.

Also saved a bunch of mana. The problem with doing it yourself with two accounts is the mammoth First time I mounted the paladin on the second spin, just to make sure it wouldn't despawn. However, I missed that you still take personal damage even on the mammoth, only noticed it when it was far too late, wipe. Second time, I decided to to the same and wait until the second spin to mount the mammoth, but due to a missclick I managed to mount it the millisecond it popped up.

I felt that it just wouldn't work to do it that early, so I dismounted hoping that you could reount it later on, you can't. It turns hostile - but passive - once you dismount. So I were left with the only option to simply kill the boss and hope the mammoth wouldn't despawn.

Note that I didn't even attack the boss once with the mammoth. The rest of the fight without the mammoth was incredibly easy, just cleanse and avoid the spin. Even though I had to grind down I'm not at all experienced with pally prot atm, first time I really used prot cause of the dual spec.

Pretty much just bashed whatever was ready, unless I were low on mana etc. Yet I managed to do it while playing both pally and priest at the same time with only quest greens and blues. So it's not that hard. The hardest boss for me were magnataur that did very nasty and fast dps. Yggdras and from beyond water for me was alright, the many adds were a close call though, but no cooldowns used at all to counter it, so it's fairly easy.

Tuskarmageddon was a joke, just consecration to pull the adds off the healer, and the bosses dps was a joke as well. The only issue was mana on the paladin. Comment by Two manned today as a level 77 Shaman Enhance spec and a level 80 hunter.

I was enhance and dpsed the rest of the fights except this one where i just healed. I did how ever heal in my enhancement gear. The hunter was Marksmanship and in mostly blues, with a couple of the AH item level epics. He just dinged today. Heres how we did it : As soon as the event started the hunter attacked the guy on top of the mammoth, thus making the mammoth no longer in combat and just chilling as the guy on top dismounted.

Then the hunter put his pet Vladof and the pet tanked it. Level 80 bear pet. The hunter kept mend pet up, and i healed the pet while the hunter dpsed him down.

Because im enhance i used one mana potion. I also used my spirit wolves for fun : Alternative strategies if things go bad i can think of : If the hunters pet were to die i would have popped earth elemental totem and healed it. If we didnt have the healing speed or dps probably figured out during a wipe or a close call I would have popped bloodlust, and it would have been over.

I hope this helps, this whole event is really not hard. Hope this helped : ps. Comment by Amaristella Completed this today with a group of 3. Druid switched to healing on the last fight after the boss dismounted and warlock picked up the mammoth. Great XP and a good deal of gold if you can hack it at Comment by A quest with very nice rewards for almost every class. I did this on my Ret Paladin 76 with a Rogue 76 and we two-manned this without any problems.

On the last boss we wiped once, but the second time we prevailed. Comment by Diodor This looks pretty impossible to solo if you are not tank. If you dont use his mammoth quest fails, if you use mammoth it does little dmg to him and he keeps damaging you with disease if you are too close to him even on mount and you will die. Comment by Very easy if you have a tank that can keep threat and a healer. We had all blues besides a couple greens here and there, so we were fairly well geared.

Overall it was an easy gold, and got a nice weapon out of it! In our situation, I grabbed the mammoth, and nearly died because I got to close to the boss, then backed away and dismounted, attempting to heal myself. After dismounting, the mammoth's "enemy" nameplate popped up again, disallowing me to remount, however, it was not hostile. Don't be a afraid to dismount, it seems. Comment by been reading the comments and for fun i soloed this as a feral tank was pretty easy.

Comment by crowface28 Solo'd just now as a level 77 Protection Paladin. Word of Glory glyphed and talented makes dieing nearly impossible. Near the end it was a race, and I pulled through with a 12k crit Hammer of Wrath. Tips: Don't use Enormus or whatever as a vehicle.

I figured the vehicle would take damage, not me Remember to keep judging as soon as it's off cooldown! These fights last a while, and you'll need your mana for sticky situations. When the last boss starts spinning, save up your Holy Charges, back off, and cast a heal. It'll get you prepped for when he attacks again. This probably means no-go for squishies : Good luck, and may the flying spaghetti monster be with you. Comment by Lupus Actually, if your an arcane mage you can solo him.

I just soloed him with a 5. The only thing you have to do is pop mirror image and pew pew. Even if he kills your mirror images he will be pretty beat up and will probably be dismounted.

Make sure to target him and not the mammoth. Happy Hunting! Comment by I just solo'd this entire chain as prot pally in blues and greens lvl Only died one time on the elemental phase had too many adds up at the end. Comment by Dalez Just soloed this as a level 85 ilvl arcane mage. I got to around 20k health, then popped cooldowns, and evocated back to nearly full health. Easy Comment by Harshmage Solo'ed on super-easy-mode as a 85 Blood DK with greens and blues from questing to Comment by Xedal Just did this as a Paladin at 76, compared to the quest previous to this one, it was a delightful walk around Orgrimmar basically.

I made the mistake of getting on the mammoth, and nearly killed myself because of it, was able to dismount and bubble to get back to full however, but otherwise I was never at any real risk. The spell deflection ability is great to step back and throw a heal on yourself if you are too low. In short, this is a fun questline, and great to solo if you want a challenge. Comment by Extremely easy to solo as a level 80 hunter, never died or even came close to it.

Used a tank pet, kept using mend pet. Armor: mostly Cata greens or quest reward armor. Can't believe I didn't try solo-ing it sooner! Comment by firemonkey As a level 75 Prot Pally 18k health with kings I was able to solo the first 4, and I had a level 75 BM hunter help me out with the last two. Last boss shouldn't be too hard to solo as a prot pally around level Good luck to all! Comment by Soloed on a 78 Prot Paladin..

Wasn't really hard. Soled every group quest in Northrend including the Valhallas ring, as well as the big guy on the top you blow the horn to summon. He hit for roughly 2k or so. Comment by Doable by a lone BM hunter at The trick is to make your tenacity pet tank the mammoth with the pet's back to the wall the mammoth has a knockback and to stay somewhere up and away from Vladof, yet in LoS of the pet, so that the mammoth can't charge you, Vladof's Blood Boil doesn't reach you, but you are still able to mend pet.

While mounted, he does negligible damage and only dismounts when the mammoth reaches a certain percentage of hp. Thus you just unload all you've got into Vladof, letting the pet keep the mammoth stationary and trying to limit the pet's damage to a minimum.

I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to burn Vladof entirely while he's still mounted, but having him jump down at low hp doesn't pose much of a threat. Jump down to avoid despawning, misdirect to the pet and finish him. Comment by Solo'd the entire quest line with a 76 Prot Pally. The hardest one for me was the elemental guy, I kept getting the wind one who jacked me up, but then I got the water guy and just kited the hell out of him.

The troll dude who enrages as he dies was a little tough too, but nothing a bubble couldn't handle. Hero's Call: Zul'Drak! Into the Breach! Suit Up! That's What Friends Are For The Alchemist's Apprentice. The Amphitheater of Anguish: From Beyond! The Amphitheater of Anguish: Korrak the Bloodrager! The Amphitheater of Anguish: Magnataur! The Amphitheater of Anguish: Tuskarrmageddon!

The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras! The Champion's Call! Troll Patrol: Whatdya Want, a Medal? Skip to content. Star 7k. New issue. Jump to bottom. Linked pull requests.

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