Information such as the execution duration of running packages is listed on the Summary page. Optionally, refresh the folder to display the most current information. To view information about a single running package on the Summary page, click the package.
The Summary page displays information such as the version and description of the package. Stop a running package from the Running Packages folder by right-clicking the package and then clicking Stop.
In the Connect to Server dialog box, select Integration Services in the Server type list, provide a server name in the Server name box, and then click Connect. If you cannot connect to Integration Services, the Integration Services service is likely not running. In the right pane, find the Integration Services service. Start the service if it is not already running. By default the Object Explorer window is open and positioned in the lower-left corner of the studio.
Packages can be saved either in the sysssispackages table in the SQL Server msdb database or in the file system. The package store, which is the logical storage that Integration Services service monitors and manages, can include both the msdb database and the file system folders specified in the configuration file for the Integration Services service.
Integration Services gives you the ability to import and export packages, and by doing this change the storage format and location of packages. Using the import and export features, you can add packages to the file system, package store, or msdb database, and copy packages from one storage format to another.
For example, packages saved in msdb can be copied to the file system and vice versa. You can also copy a package to a different format using the dtutil command prompt utility dtutil.
For more information, see dtutil Utility. However, there are some restrictions on importing and exporting a package between different versions of SQL Server:. On an instance of SQL Server 9. Viewed 58k times. Improve this question. Chris Chris 9, 10 10 gold badges 66 66 silver badges 93 93 bronze badges.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I tried this. There are two root folders. Running Packages and Stored Packages.
Both of those and every subfolder is empty. However, if I go through my import process again, it will tell me the package exists and ask if I want to overwrite, so I know they must be on the server! I double-checked and I am connecting to the correct server. Oh wait I do see them there! But there is no option to Edit. Just Import, Export, Upgrade, etc. Folders can be structured and have a parent folder. You will find below the TSQL statements to create such a table.
The following table maps the columns created in last T-SQL statement with the answers we need to provide. While the PackageRunningId column could be used as the primary key for this table. There are other columns we also keep as they might be useful one day. For instance, the isEncrypted column may allow us to pinpoint the need to extract a certificate or to get a password used to encrypt this package.
We will also take other columns for eventual analysis. Now we know which information is needed, we will take the time to build the query that will fill the SSISPackagesList temporary table step by step.
Notice that the following parameters are used :. The previous query will bring back the minimal set of folders, the first-level folders. Notice that there is a FullPath column that retains the full path of the folder which is exactly what we want to get at the moment. This statement will use the msdb. Finally, we can get back the list of SSIS packages with their full path in folder hierarchy.
First of all, there is a Retain property that you can set to « True » if you want to share this connection accross multiple tasks in a given package. Furthermore, when we edit a new connection, we can tell SSIS to delay the validation of this connection until run time.
We will then use the DelayValidation property. Finally, there are two base properties ObjectName and Description that can be useful. While previous action is a little bit more complex, the following one is pretty straightforwards. It consists more or less in a query against msdb.
The first list is easy to get from second. We will first identity the corresponding SSIS package that is used for a given step.
To do so, there is the GUID of the package to identify the package. We know that this is not perfect and we might change this by a unique identifier generated at run time. Finally, as we get data on steps and not only jobs, we will collect the step id, the target server and the entire text of the command that composes the step. We have seen that a SSIS Package is composed of multiple components and properties that can be extracted using different sources and techniques, especially the XML column called packagedata , in msdb.
The queries used in this article are grouped together in a SQL file you can download here. We extracted some information. We can take these as input of an analysis process to pinpoint deviations to enterprise standards. This simplifies change management. END ;. Query 1 — get root - level packages. END as varchar max as FullPath ,. THEN ''. RootFolder ,. FullPath ,. Proceed with steps which were documented in replies above. Additionally, once you have the package added, you can delete the package.
You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Login to reply. Post reply. December 13, at am So, what is the default save location for SSIS packages? Any ideas? Thank you, Jeff. December 14, at am December 17, at am December 17, at pm I feel in your case it ought to be in msdb 8 You can select and add it to your BDIS and make changes and reuse it again Hope this helps.
February 4, at pm