These particles often form an "hourglass" shape inside the crystal. This hourglass shape is not found in selenite crystals anywhere else in the world -- it is only found here on the Salt Plains of northwest Oklahoma.
Single crystal blades, penetration twins, and clusters are the typical crystal shapes most frequently encountered on the refuge. Exceptional individual crystals measuring up to seven inches long have been found, along with complex combinations weighing as much as 38 pounds.
In certain places on the Salt Plains, gypsum and saline solutions in the soil are sufficiently concentrated to promote crystal growth.
This is important because it will give some protection from house fires. It is also important because it can be used as molds, allowing melted metals to be poured and formed within. Tiles found in the bathroom are more often than not attached to the wall with a form of gypsum mortar.
Plates, cups and saucers from our kitchen were most likely poured into a gypsum formed mold. The uses of gypsum are, as we can see nearly endless. Selenite is a strong activator of the Third Eye, allowing access to the hidden senses and intuitive gifts of clairvoyance and clear knowing. Z It is the activation of these centers that are directly associated with the functions of the brain that makes it so potent.
It allows you to blend your intuition and sensory perceptions with the wisdom you have gained from education, study, passions, pursuits and life experiences. One way you may experience this is by feeling like your mind is clear, and you are not distracted by random thoughts. Yet, If you allow yourself to connect with your insights, you may find that you are able to envision new things that seem to pop as ah-ha moments.
It is easier to see metaphors that allow you to follow a situation much further than before. You are able to envision possible obstacles and outcomes with new clarity.
In addition, Desert Rose physically represents the many layers of any situation and offers a new way to look at them. It is as if you now see each aspect for its own unique feature and can deal with them one at a time or appreciate them as a whole. It comes in pale shades of pearly white with a clay like texture. Selenite has a meaning of clarity and consciousness.
With a coloring as pale as the flutter of angel wings, the Selenite Stone is awash in otherworldly wonder. Instantly soothing, Selenite has a long history of being a beloved goddess stone and is said to bring protection, harmony, and soul healing to your body, mind, and home.
Selenite is said to be a crystallized form of Gypsum. Selenite Charging Plate. Large Selenite Square Plate. Selenite Circle Charging Plate. Selenite Palm Stone. Selenite Ruler.