Divided highway Divided highway ends Divided road End median. Notify of. Newest Oldest Most Voted. Inline Feedbacks.
Reply to Roger 2 years ago. Reply to Ali 5 years ago. Only when there is an opening provided for such a crossover. Reply to Ali 2 years ago. I made the correct answer. Divided Highway and divided road are same. This is new for me. I got this all wrong.
I always though one was upside down at this test! District of Columbia. It is also worth noting that one will only find the signs on an approach to a separate roadway and not before a junction or an intersection. Essentially, the sign signals that the road you are using intersects with a separated roadway ahead. The road has a barrier, guardrail, or median, and if one keeps driving towards it without taking necessary action, you will collide with the physical barriers.
In a nutshell, when one notices the sign, they should immediately decide to either turn right at the first roadway or turn left at the second roadway. Essentially, a separate roadway is a road that features two lanes of traffic that travel in opposite directions.
Traffic moving in each direction is separated by a strip of grass or concrete in the middle. There are two types of separated roadway signs, the roadway begins A sign and the roadway ends B sign. You will see the begin A sign as you approach a section of the roadway where the opposing traffic flows are separated by a median or a physical barrier. The ends sign B is placed before the end of the roadway. Essentially, it indicates that soon you will enter an undivided roadway.
A separate roadway refers to separate lanes used by opposing traffic. The lane features a barrier between them such that traffic moves separately on the different highways. On the other hand, a two-lane road is a typical two-lane road with no physical barrier that separates opposing traffic. The two-lane roadway features double yellow lines. Some two-lane roads also feature a single broken yellow that allows drivers to pass even in the wrong direction.
In construction or maintenance areas signs have an orange background to mark that you are traveling through a work zone. Some warning signs have different shapes. The advance warning of a railroad crossing is circular round. It is the only circular road sign in USA. Signs that warn you of a school zone or school crossing are always five-sided. These signs have either a yellow or fluorescent yellow-green background.
When you see yellow pennants on the left side of the road, they warn you of a no-passing zone.