Brain damage is caused by trauma to the brain, such as during a car accident or a stroke, and can be long-lasting. The severity of brain damage caused…. The cerebellum is located at the base of your skull where your head meets your neck.
The function of the cerebellum is primarily focused on movement…. You can improve your brain health with the right diet. Eat these 11 foods to boost your memory and focus, help prevent disease, and keep sharp as you…. Practicing certain lifestyle habits may help boost your intelligence and stimulate your brain.
Research has shown that when done regularly, these…. Brain fog is a symptom of another medical condition. Your doctor may find a choroid plexus cyst during a routine prenatal ultrasound. These cysts usually resolve on their own and rarely lead to…. Dysmetria is a lack of coordination caused by the cerebellum not functioning properly.
Discover its causes and…. In the body there are two deep temporal arteries. These arteries are called the posterior and anterior deep temporal arteries. Theta brain waves are slower than gamma, beta, and alpha waves, but faster than delta waves. Your brain produces five different types of brain waves that move at a different speeds.
Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves. Second, the frontal lobe's home in the front of the forehead renders it highly vulnerable, especially to auto accident-related injuries, violence, and falls. Even relatively minor blows can rattle the brain sufficiently to impede frontal lobe functioning. The effect of frontal lobe damage is dependent on its location and severity, as well as how quickly it is detected.
Children who face serious abuse may live with frontal lobe damage for years, while car accident survivors often get more immediate help. Treatment for frontal lobe injuries typically includes medical and psychological treatment, since the frontal lobe houses the emotional life and personality. Overall health, age at the time of injury, quality of medical treatment, and an active and stimulating environment can all affect recovery trajectories. Seniors are more vulnerable to frontal lobe damage because their frontal lobes are already deteriorating.
Frontal lobe damage can have extensive and far-reaching damage, as in the case of frontal lobe dementia, which leads to aggression, behavior changes, and difficulties with language. Some other consequences of frontal lobe damage include:. Spinal cord injuries are traumatic for patients and their families.
They cause disruptive changes to every aspect of your life and there is a lot of new information to navigate and understand. Our experts have collected everything in one place to help you learn more about your injury, locate doctors and treatment centers, find financial support, and get assistance navigating your next move. Frontal Lobe: Function, Location and Structure The frontal lobe is the home of much of what makes us human.
Author: Spinalcord. Where is the Frontal Lobe Located? What Does the Frontal Lobe Do? Some of the many functions of the frontal lobe include: Coordinating voluntary movements, such as walking and reaching for objects. The frontal lobe is home to the primary motor cortex. Assessing future consequences of current actions. Thus the frontal lobe plays a vital role in impulse control, including decisions about when to spend money and eat, and whether a particular decision is morally or socially acceptable.
Assessing similarities and differences between two objects. Formation and retention of long-term memories, particularly emotional memories derived from the limbic system. Language: The frontal lobe plays a role in understanding language, linguistic memories, and speaking.
Emotional expression and regulation, in addition to understanding the emotions of others; empathy may derive from the frontal lobe. The development of personality. Because of the frontal lobe's roles in memory, emotional regulation, expression, impulse control, and other key functions, it plays a key role in personality. Damage to the frontal lobe can spur sudden and immediate alterations in personality. Managing reward. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in reward and motivation, is heavily active in the frontal lobe because most of the brain's dopamine-sensitive neurons located here.
Attention regulation, including selective attention. Frontal lobe difficulties can lead to executive functioning issues, as well as disorders such as ADHD. Those include: Medial frontal lobe: This region contains the cingulate gyrus, which is a part of the limbic system. It also contains the superior frontal gyrus, which research suggests plays a role in self-awareness.
This part of the PFC helps us make decisions based on the bigger picture gathered from connections to the amygdala , temporal lobe, ventral segmental area, olfactory system, and the thalamus. It is very well connected, receiving and sending a lot of information that influences many brain regions, including the amygdala.
It is also vital for personal and social decision making and the ability to learn from our mistakes. Our capacity to make judgements and allow our emotions to assist in decision making is mediated by this region of the brain.
Activation of the vmPFC is also associated with courage, suppression of negative emotions, compassion, shame, and guilt. Learn more about the brain and psychotherapy from our….
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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Simply the fact that mindfulness necessarily activates the PFC, developing better PFC- to limbic control mechanisms and like anything that is practiced it becomes more rstablished.
PFC activation becomes an easier default when there is a need to control emotional responses — in other words affect regulation becomes easier — enhanced. You need a hug? My doctors name is Michelle and she is gorgeous. I have never met a Michelle who wasnt. So wait……this is why I couldnt decide between mustard or ketchup the other day??? Seriously though with my depression worsening,it all makes sense.
Especially the social aspect and decision making. This explains why my IQ is above the standard yet I have gotten literally nowhere in life. Sad part is that I still make better financial decisions than anyone I knowI will be starting neurofeeback soon and am hoping for the best. I dont want to start medication due to …well it being medication. I have so far been somewhat maintaining by clean lifestyle,no drugs ,healthy food etc but still reached a point where I needed treatment.
I would like to know as to why some men rape. So what distinguishes a rapist? Of course marital rape or excessive demand for sex from an unwilling wife,is a case in point which could also add more men to the criminal lot. There was an article elsewhere wherein it was mentioned that the Dorso-Lateral PFC is structurally or functionally dysfunctional. If this is indeed the case then all kinds of abhorrent behaviour should be associated with some region or another.
Another issue is about the so called third eye. The late Dr. Shafica Karagulla a neuropsychiatrist has has expressed an opinion that the caudate nucleus could be involved here and therefore thine eye be single thy body will be full of light and not only the pineal gland.
Is there any research being done formally in the Kundalini phenomenon ,which is not entirely an oriental concept Moses raising the snake in the wilderness. In India some people have mentioned this phenomenon initially producing gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarhhoea and a severe sense of impending disaster with swooning followed by very great bliss.
Could the neural pathway be the same of this process and sexual gratification? Thank you for posing such interesting questions. These are all probably too complex to answer in a forum and I think there are a number of specialists that you need to search out for deep responses. There is always a complexity from which various things, including behavior, emerges. How people respond in later like to the impact of their experience along the way is interesting and requires much thought.
How much of our behavior and our thinking is fundamental and how much is a response to a long history. I encourage you to continue to find what might be the connecting thread between your comments. They are connected a the moment because you are thinking them. There will be fascinating and perhaps wonderful answers in your deliberations. Since these crimes are worldwide ,I was very curious about the neuro-psychiatric origin of criminal behaviour.
My anger and sensitivity to things that most people do not get overly upset about seem to be getting worse as I grow older causing issues with my closest loved ones. Hi Michael — It is more likely reactive aggression anger is coming from brain areas like the amygdala, hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray, the basic threat system — to name but a few regions. The prefrontal cortex can down-regulate the anger response.
Hi Billie-Jo — The prefrontal cortex is certainly implicated in symptoms of schizophrenia. Many studies have shown differences in the prefrontal cortex of those with schizophrenia compared to those without.
Differences like reduced connectivity between the amygdala and medial-prefrontal cortex when trying to work out the emotions on faces, deficits in dopamine release, and deficits in the connectivity between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex just to name a few.
There are hundreds of papers looking just at differences in the PFC and schizophrenia symptoms. Suffice it to say that the PFC differences do play an important role in producing symptoms. Greetings, Dr Dahlitz. As a psychologist, I find the mapping of the brain fascinating. The practical application of accrued knowledge to the field of psychotherapy, however, engages me much less. I cannot see how it can direct a therapists approach to a client, allowing of course for extreme cases of, eg, demonstrable brain injury or abnormal behaviour, given the vast number of variables contributing to episodes of behaviour and the vast number of cerebral connections in play.
Hi Dan — Great point. The direct application may not be an obvious nor linear one, nevertheless I find there is an application of accrued scientific knowledge to the field of psychotherapy over time that better informs psychotherapy take Bruce Ecker and his memory reconsolidation as a case in point. At the very least it gives us more empathy and insight into why a client is behaving the way they are and in my experience gives them something scientific to make sense of their experience.
But that is at the very least — at the pointy end of the stick an understanding of brain function or whole body function for that matter can well inform the psychotherapist as to the best intervention for the moment for the particular client, rather than mindlessly gravitating to the same tools for everyone — I think it makes you more artful in practice.