Why does klaus fancy caroline

Caroline and Klaus had no interactions with each other in Season Two at all, although Caroline first heard about Klaus from Elena in the episode: Katerina. Klaus, however, intended to use Caroline as the vampire in the sacrifice to break the Hybrid Curse at Katherine 's suggestion. Caroline was supporting him, as he was her boyfriend at the time, and he was appears to be dying from the transition.

Klaus then walked into the room, and fed Tyler Elena's blood - that's when he and Caroline saw each other for the first time. In Our Town , during Caroline's birthday, Tyler accidentally bites her long after Klaus' request for him to do so, which he had previously refused to do. Immediately after the incident, Tyler tells Klaus. Klaus arrives at the Forbes' home to help Caroline, requesting Liz 's support in exchange for her inviting him in to cure her daughter. Liz lets him in and Klaus enters Caroline's room, after which she questions whether or not he'd come to kill her.

He asks her if she thinks that low of him to kill her on her birthday, to which she responds "Yes. He comments that he loves birthdays, and Caroline rebuffs his comment, rhetorically asking him if he was a billion years old or so. He tells her that she'd have to adjust her perception of time due to the fact that she is now a vampire, and to celebrate that she is no longer bound by trivial human conventions.

He explains to her that with her immortality as a vampire she is free, but Caroline disagrees, stating that she is dying instead. Klaus then tells her that he could let her die if she truly believed that her existence "had no meaning", admitting that he had thought about it himself several times. He then explains to her that the rest of the world is awaiting her, filled with great cities, art, music, and "genuine beauty", convincing her to want to stay alive.

Klaus then gives her his blood. The next day, Caroline wakes up to find that the werewolf bite has healed after Klaus had given her some of his blood. She also found a box on the side table, with a piece of paper saying "From Klaus", as she opens the box it contains a bracelet that Klaus has left for her. In Dangerous Liaisons , Klaus sends Caroline a dress and invites her to the ball which his mother had arranged.

Initially she refuses to go. When she sees Rebekah inviting Matt , she changes her mind. Unsuccessfully, she tries to find a dress in her wardrobe that she likes more than the one Klaus gave her. She relents and wears both the dress and the bracelet he gave to her for her birthday. When Caroline arrives at the ball, Klaus notices her immediately.

However, his greeting is rebuffed as she soon rushes to find a drink instead. Later, Klaus approaches Caroline outside whilst she is watching a horse and they discuss their respective relationships with their late fathers.

Klaus relays a story of how one of his horses was once killed as his father tried to kill him. Again, Caroline reminds him that she is a good person and likes people and people like her, unlike him.

She then turns and walks away. He also shows her his collection of art, revealing that he is also an amateur artist and that her bracelet had once belonged to "a princess almost as beautiful as her. Caroline is then surprised to learn that the beautiful drawings before her are actually that of Klaus' own.

He then offers to take her to see the beauty of the world, offering to take her to Rome, Paris, and Tokyo, which makes them smile. Caroline asks what is like to get whatever he wants at a snap of his fingers and comes to the conclusion that this is why he creates hybrids.

The smile on Klaus' face falls and his voice deepens with threatening undertones telling her to stop making assumptions and to leave. Ignoring his words she continues to voice her realization that the reason he does this is because his father never loved him and so he believes that no one else would.

She tells him the reason he doesn't connect with people is because he doesn't try. Caroline walks away in anger. Klaus' angered face falls in shock of her brutal honesty towards him. He almost follows her but stops himself. When Caroline returns home, she finds out that he has left her another gift on her bed. Caroline discovers that he has drawn a portrait of her with a horse, and thanked her for being so honest with him.

While looking at the drawing that Klaus drew for her, she has this confused and touched look on her face. In All My Children , Damon concocted a plan to try and get Elena out of harms way by trying to find a loophole; If one were to stab an original, all four would fall excluding Klaus. In order to do so, he needed a distraction so that Alaric could puncture Kol without Klaus knowing. This so happened to be Caroline.

As Caroline walked into The Grill, Kol made a pun toward her, calling her a "tasty little thing", leaving Klaus to act protective over her and reply, " Say another word, and I'll tear out your liver. After Caroline rejected his advances when asked if she would like to have a drink with them, acting upset, Klaus commented "Isn't she stunning? Klaus gulps his drink down, then follows Caroline as she walks outside, almost getting hit by a car. He calls out to her and she responds, "Are you serious?

Take a hint. She replies that she just wants him to leave her alone, as he still insists for her to "take a chance, talk to me, get to know me. I dare you. She asks him, "What do you want to talk about? Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life.

Klaus later feels a puncture in his heart, and goes into a rage, asking her what she did. She responds that she didn't do anything, he grabs her, asking her again.

Her response is still, "I didn't do anything. Stop it. Klaus lets her go, and knows what has happened: Kol was stabbed. At the end of the episode, Klaus burns the sketches he drew of Caroline, trying to burn his feelings for her, as well. When questioned on it by a recently returned Tyler, Caroline was unable to produce an answer as to why she still has it in her possession.

At first she rejects him but says yes after Tyler agrees to it. While they danced, Klaus tells her he's leaving the next day. Caroline responses with anything but relief. He says he would invite her to go with him but he knows she's not ready yet.

He tells her that he'll show her "what the world has to offer" if she shows up on his doorstep one day. Caroline just scoffs, hurting Klaus' feelings. Before Klaus leaves the dance, he promises Caroline that she'll soon be bored with her "small-town boy" and her "small-town life" and that it won't be enough for her.

Caroline watches Klaus leave, with an unquestioned look on her face. Caroline nods and thanks him. He looks at her, touched, for a moment and then runs away. Caroline turns around for a second, looking at where he went, before finally running home. Caroline later was seen at Elena's house pouring drinks into shot glasses for a "victory party," as she called it in celebration of a "Klaus-free life.

After escaping Caroline is happy to see that Tyler is still alive and the two begin making out, however Klaus calls her "love" which leads Caroline to realize that it is really Klaus.

She says that he's disgusting and that she has to sanitize her mouth. Klaus is visibly pleased by the fact that he almost seduced Caroline, stating sarcastically that Caroline is a "glorious kisser" and he even went as far as to say that once he returns to his original body, he'll gladly take on her offer for "hot, hybrid sex". They find Bonnie to complete the spell and while she originally refuses to use the dark magic needed, Klaus begins ripping Tyler's heart out forcing Bonnie to do the spell.

While speaking to Hayley, Klaus over hears Tyler telling Caroline to go to Rebekah's party, and assumes that something has happened between Tyler and Hayley.

When Tyler walks into his dad's old office, Klaus is sitting in the chair. Klaus tells Tyler that he thinks when Tyler went to go break his sire bond he met Hayley and they shared a passionate moment. Tyler gets upset and shouts at Klaus to stop. Klaus then says angrily, "And Caroline has no idea. While this is a fake display to legitimize a break-up between her and Tyler, Klaus believes it.

Giving Caroline, Tyler, and Hayley space, Klaus leaves with two other hybrids. Later on, in an effort to distract Klaus while Stefan is busy freeing Elena from Klaus' possession, Caroline confronts him at the Grill. She states that she wants him to give Elena back, to which Klaus replies that Elena needs his help.

He doesn't want to burden Caroline with the details because she has too much to deal with already - referring to her break-up with Tyler.

She tells him that it's none of his business. In response, Klaus assures Caroline that had Tyler still been sired to him he would not have let Tyler hurt her. He then offers her a drink and she accepts, successfully keeping Klaus occupied. Upon discovering that Elena ran from Stefan, Caroline admits to Klaus her real motives for showing up at the Grill and tells him of Elena's disappearance.

Angry, Klaus gets up from his chair and proceeds to leave. She calls after him, but he threatens to kill her despite her beauty if she doesn't stop talking. In a final effort, she tells him that they have figured out how to stop the hallucinations.

This garners Klaus' attention and he gives her ten seconds to tell him how. In a later discussion between Caroline and Tyler, it is revealed that Caroline convinced Klaus to sacrifice one of his hybrids in order to stop Elena's hallucinations by agreeing to go on a date with him. While Caroline is working, Klaus arrives to inquire about the date she promised him. Caroline is initially opposed to Klaus accompanying her to the pageant as her date, but she relents after Klaus reminds her of Tyler's indiscretions with Hayley.

She tells Klaus to meet her the following day at the Lockwood mansion for the event and warns him not to get her anything so much as a corsage - referring to his earlier extravagant gifts from season three. As they walk along the pond, Caroline explains Elena's strange change in behavior since becoming a vampire. Klaus alludes cryptically to the sire bond as they both sit down on a bench. Caroline urges him to find a cure, and he assures her that he's working on it. As Klaus prepares to uncork the champagne, Caroline asks him if he would ever take the cure.

Klaus replies by wondering aloud why he would want to cure himself of being the most powerful creature on the planet. Unsatisfied, Caroline confirms his response by asking again. He evades her question by asking her if she would take the cure. With Tyler watching from a distance, Klaus recalls that life used to be a lot easier.

Later, while Tyler listens into their conversation, Klaus admits to Caroline that there was one time when he thought about being human. He recalls a trek in the Andes where he encountered a hummingbird hovering in front of him. He noted the bird's heart beating rapidly and appreciated how hard the bird had to work in order to survive each day and how satisfying that must be.

Klaus finds her at the Grill studying the painting he donated to the Winter Wonderland charity event. They exchange some witty banter, before Caroline compliments his "snowflake" painting, adding that there's something lonely about it. Klaus offers her champagne and initially she refuses, worried about the adults that might see. Eventually she relents, admitting that if they're going to be nice to one another she will need the drink after all.

Klaus asks her if that's their thing, to which she replies that they don't have a thing. Later on, when it seems as though Tyler and Hayley's plan to take out Klaus will be successful, Caroline and Stefan both acknowledge their guilt over betraying Klaus, and they both agree that none of them are really better than Klaus. In A View to a Kill , Klaus is keeping an eye on Damon, who is locked in the Salvatore basement to prevent him from acting upon Kol's compulsion.

After discussing Damon's failure to train Jeremy, their conversation turns to Elena. Klaus wonders how Elena is able to look over every horrible thing Damon has done in the past. He questions whether there is something pathologically wrong with Elena and if Damon has compelled or manipulated her in any way outside of the sire bond. Without any response to his probing from Damon, Klaus falters and plainly asks Damon what it is that he says to her.

Klaus' change in tone and the question spark Damon's interest. Damon suspects that Klaus' questions have more to do with Klaus' relationship with Caroline than his relationship with Elena. Damon believes that Klaus is worried that Caroline will never forgive him for killing Carol Lockwood. Klaus does not deny this; instead, he accuses Damon of doing worse. Damon disagrees, claiming he has legitimate reasons for his bad actions while Klaus' does not. Klaus refutes this.

Damon finishes their conversation by advising Klaus to be bad with a purpose; that you're not worthy of forgiveness otherwise. In Into the Wild , Caroline stops by the Gilbert house surprised to find Tyler still there and Klaus still locked in the family room. Klaus greets Caroline unsurely which she responds to dismissively.

Caroline then urges Tyler to come home to avoid stooping to Klaus' level. Tyler refuses, preferring to revel in Klaus' misery until he can kill him himself. Caroline compromises by suggesting Tyler gloats and multitasks by helping to clean Elena's house. They start by covering Kol's body and Klaus responds emotionally. Klaus reasons that now that his brother Kol is dead along with Tyler's mother, Carol, that they are now even.

He beseeches them to call Bonnie to undo the spell. Caroline declares that she will never ever help Klaus. Klaus responds by pointing out his good deeds saving Tyler from the painful experience of being a werewolf and feeding her his blood on her birthday to heal her from Tyler's fatal werewolf bite.

This provokes a hostile reaction in Caroline, who then confronts Klaus with all the bad he's done killing Tyler's mother, killing Elena's aunt Jenna , insinuating that his charm could not make them forget these terrible actions.

Driving her point home further, Caroline refuses to discuss things further with him, claiming that he's not worth the calories she burns talking to him. This provokes Klaus, who stakes her with a lamp post. He pulls her into the family room with him and bites her, much to her surprise. Later, Caroline is shown panicking over what Klaus as done as Tyler helps her down onto the Gilbert's living room sofa, while Klaus stares away from the unfolding situation.

Tyler tries to calm Caroline down by assuring her that he'll fix things. Tyler confronts Klaus, reminding him that Caroline will die if he doesn't give her his blood. Klaus seems sarcastically receptive, biting his wrist and extending it to Tyler. He asks Tyler to beg him to save her life. Tyler scoffs at Klaus' attempt to underscore how powerless he is compared to him. Tyler relents and begs Klaus to save Caroline.

Klaus states that it would be pathetic of him to help since in a previous conversation Tyler revealed that once Klaus was forcibly given the cure that he would kill him. Tyler responds by offering to be Klaus' slave again in exchange for healing Caroline. Klaus refuses him.

Obviously hurt, Caroline asks Tyler to help her leave the room as she is unable to look at Klaus. The next day, as Caroline's health worsens, Tyler brings her back downstairs and places her in the family room in front of Klaus.

This is an attempt to play off of Klaus' feelings for her in hopes the sight of her dying will provoke him to save her. Klaus tells Caroline that her death is nothing personal, but as a means to achieve leverage and power over Tyler.

A few hours later, Caroline is on the couch as her health deteriorates further while Klaus stares vacantly away from her. Caroline warns him again that if he does not feed her his blood, she'll die. Klaus seems to coldly accept that reality, knowing Tyler will have learned his lesson. Caroline asks how Klaus could do something like this to Tyler, to his mom, and to her.

He responds dismissively, citing boredom as a reason. Caroline does not believe him. Klaus then suggests that his actions are motivated by the fact that he's pure evil.

Caroline counters this explanation by concluding that Klaus does what he does, because he's hurt. This garners Klaus' attention.

She continues by suggesting that since Klaus is capable of hurting there is a part of him that is human. Surprised by her words given all that he's done, he moves closer to her and wonders how Caroline could think that.

She confesses that she's seen his humanity; that she's found herself wishing she could forget all of his horrible actions. Klaus concludes presumptuously that she can't, faltering slightly as he seems to ask her if she could forget. Caroline does not answer him directly. Instead, she points out that she knows that he is in love with her and that anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.

Clearly affected by her words, Klaus ignores her claims by reducing her words to the product of a hallucination. With her death not far off, she concedes that she'll never know.

At this point, her body appears to be succumbing more rapidly to Klaus' bite. Panicked, Klaus repeats her name a few times, but she is unresponsive. Conflicted, Klaus weighs his options before ultimately deciding to heal her. He props her up as he moves in behind her on the couch. He bites his wrist and offers it to her. She responds to his blood, holding his forearm and hand as she drinks, while he strokes her hair. They saw signs of a struggle, so they assumed Damon has been taken and wasn't just off brooding.

They asked Caroline to get Klaus' sword so they could translate Jeremy's tattoos via the photos Bonnie took and send them a map and directions. Klaus wouldn't hand the sword over, Rebekah argued. After getting off the phone, Klaus asked Caroline if she needs any help which she said no to. Caroline and Tyler would have found the sword in Klaus' attic. The handle is a cryptex "I've seen the Da Vinci Code," Caroline said , so they basically had to twist parts and read Aramaic, which of course Klaus knew.

There's only one dose of the cure. Klaus, who'd wisely decided that he could help Caroline and Tyler read the cryptex and keep that important information to himself, shouted it out to Rebekah when Caroline phoned her to say they were emailing the translation and directions. The surprisingly touching birthday moment that The Vampire Diaries gave Caroline and Klaus was just the beginning.

But how does she really feel about him, and where in the world is Tyler? TVLine went to Candice Accola for answers. The characters are just so unlikely [together]. Why is it never me?

He also sends her a dress along with the invite. She reluctantly goes. When Caroline arrives at the ball, Klaus notices her immediately. However, his greeting is rebuffed as she soon rushes to find a drink instead. Klaus partners her during the waltz, during which she spends a lot of time staring over at Matt and Rebekah whilst giving an excuse of being unprepared as the reason she had worn his gown. Klaus counters by asking Caroline why she is wearing his bracelet as well.

Before she can reply, he compliments her dancing abilities and she declares that she is Miss Mystic Falls and Klaus confirms that he knows as much. Later, Klaus approaches Caroline outside whilst she is watching a horse and they discuss their respective relationships with their late fathers. Klaus relays a story of how one of his horses was once killed as his father tried to kill him. Again, Caroline reminds him that she is a good person and likes people and people like her, unlike him.

She then thhhhurns and walks away. He also shows her his collection of art, revealing that he is also an amateur artist and that her bracelet had once belonged to "a princess almost as beautiful as her.

Caroline is then surprised to learn that the beautiful drawings before her are actually that of Klaus' own. He then offers to take her to see the beauty of the world, offering to take her to Rome, Paris, and Tokyo, which makes them smile.

Caroline asks what is like to get whatever he wants at a snap of his fingers and comes to the conclusion that this is why he creates hybrids. The smile on Klaus' face falls and his voice deepens with threatening undertones telling her to stop making assumptions and to leave. The Mystic Falls gang faced a threat even more dangerous than Klaus in season 4.

The immortal psychic, Silas, escaped from his tomb and wasted no time in manipulating the town's supernatural residents with his mind-altering abilities. Silas attacks Klaus in "American Gothic" and convinces the hybrid that he has a piece of the White Oak stake lodged near his heart. Caroline helps Klaus overcome the psychic's influence by confronting him and the two grow closer as they discuss their differences. She was able to save him when it was often the other way around.

Klaus and Caroline shared their first singular encounter in season 3's "Our Town. This scene spawned the Klaroline pairing as it highlighted the instant chemistry between both characters. The sexual tension between Caroline and Klaus rivaled Damon and Elena's and instantly made them one of the show's most popular couples. Esther puts an end to his plans, however, when she places a magical barrier against vampires around the school.

Klaroline's earlier encounters were full of understandable hostility, particularly on Caroline's part. However, Caroline still felt an attraction to the hybrid and their scenes were reminiscent of season 1 Delena moments.

Klaus tells Caroline that he is standing in one of his favorite places in the world, yet can only think of her. This scene is a tough one for fans of Klaus and Caroline's romance, who are left speculating as to how The Originals would have been if Caroline had joined Klaus in the French Quarter. She did eventually visit him on the spinoff to help him in a time of need.

Leah Flavell is a freelance writer from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. In her spare time, she enjoys long walks through the countryside with her dogs and reading fantasy books. By Leah Flavell Updated Aug 19, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Related Topics Lists the vampire diaries.


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